This site is all about how stories add spice to our ideas and feelings about our favourite cities. Sometimes we only know cities through stories. My favourites have long been London, Venice, and Florence and so I made this website, where I list and review all sorts of novels and films set in these three cities. Each city has some indulgent side pages too. These deal with things like The Cats of Venice, London Cakes and Lost Florence.
I've also been casting my net wider recently, and posting reports on my trips to other European cities, as a service to travellers who share my enthusiasm for art, churches, cakes, cats, and ice cream.
Novels and stories feature here too. You'll find these cities visited listed on the handy Trips MenuTo search within this site using Google, enter your search terms
into the box as usual and then type in case you're curious, this is Me
My other sites are...
These sites also have their own Facebook page...
The Friends of Fictional Cities
and the Churches of Venice and Florence
Click on the link and Like the page for regular updates.
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click on the titles and trips to read all about them
HOT NEWS, that I confess has been slow coming my way. A new TV series based on Donna Leon's Brunetti novels has been announced. It's to be adapted by Julian Fellowes of Downton Abbey fame and all to be filmed in Venice. Not sure why it's taken so long NOT being reported in the UK papers. Maybe because of the lack of detail so far.
Happy New Year!
Regular readers will know that I'm sometimes tempted to discuss goings-on in the wider world, but to keep matters upbeat I'm sticking here to the personal stuff. I'm looking forward to trips to Salzburg, Milan, the South Tyrol, Norfolk and Florence. Milan is a planned new page to start work on in the next couple of cold months.
The books-to-look-forward-to articles in last weekend's papers were pretty thin, keen-anticipation wise, except that September sees the publication of Venetian Vespers by John Banville, an old favourite novelist.
Season's Greetings 2024
and more end-of-year stuff, including the year's fridge magnets, are on my NEWS page
With the completion of my hat-trick of non-Italian trips, all full of very special art and tasty cakes, I face a winter indoors. My first trip in 2025 looks like being to Salzburg, but a return to Italy is scheduled for April, and a big exhibition devoted to Fra Angelico at the Strozzi in Florence later in 2025 is making a visit there then look essential.
On the fame and glory front an article about Michelangelo's Bruges Madonna in this month's Burlington contains photos by me (see the NEWS page) - my first credit in that august publication. There was also the possibility that some of my photos might have found a supporting role in the 2026 Venice Biennale, but this is now not to be. Oh well.
‘So, Jeff,’ I hear you ask, ‘what’s occurring?’ Well, after my excellent trip to galleries in Berlin and Dresden I’ve been able to add some altarpiece info and photos to some churches in Venice and Florence. Also, I’ve been able to belatedly add fascinating facts about Stollen to my London Cakes page, which, as you may know, also deals with tasty imports. I was going to spend some days in Arezzo next week, with a view to the creating of a new page, but for various reasons, not the least the forecast of thunderstorms all week, I’ve postponed that jaunt. Trips remaining this year are Burgundy and Delft, both in October. As I type it’s dingy, cool and rainy in London, but the future’s bright!
July continued to make me happy. The farcically incompetent and self-serving government we'd suffered for 14 years finally got the boot and having hope again is good. Last month a Courtauld summer school on illuminated manuscripts had included a visit to the Eton college library, where we'd been shown some lovely medieval books, and been allowed to turn the pages ourselves! We'd also got to visit the college chapel and admire their little-known grisaille medieval wall paintings. So imagine my joy at discovering, last week, for sale online, a handsome etching of the Eton College Chapel, You can see it on my News page. And I say again - it's all connected, as Eton college is a major source of the clowns that made up the aforementioned good-riddance government.
July this year is a month without trips, but it began with happy-making news. I had my third colonoscopy on the 3rd, which was not much fun. But this time they found nothing! They've not found anything bad in previous years, but the prospect of more uncomfortable treatments has hung over me for four years, and now it doesn't. Back to the ordinary poo tests, as the nurse put it. This makes me very happy. And I'd forgotten that the new Donna Leon Brunetti novel was out this month too. I'm currently reading it, and it's even stopped raining for a whole day!
February 2025
Liza Picard Victorian London
Elizabeth Macneal The Burial Plot
December 2024
Alan Moore The Great When London
Andrew Saint London 1870-1914: A City at its Zenith
Fiona Rule The Worst Street in London
September and October 2024
Delft Trips
Burgundy Trips
Tracy Chevalier The Glassmaker Venice
August 2024
Casper David Friedrich Country Trips
A.J. Martin The Night in Venice
July 2024
Donna Leon A Refiner's Fire Venice
June 2024
Piero Country Trips
Philip Gwynne Jones The Venetian Sanctuary Venice
May 2024
Ferrara & Bologna Trips
Ripley Venice TV
April 2024
The South Tyrol Trips
January 2024
Carlo Fruttero & Franco Lucentini The Lover of no Fixed Abode Venice
November 2023
A Haunting in Venice Venice films
October 2023
Martin Gayford Venice: City of Pictures
Lee Jackson Dickensland London
// Florence // London // Berlin
Copyright © Jeff Cotton 1998-2025
27 years of reading and travelling